Learn Anything Fast with F.A.S.T Method 🎓
Issue # 32: A method/framework for learning anything faster, Spending Habits, Meaning of Life.
💡 Here are 3-tips to help you learn, grow, and be inspired this week!
Learn: A method/framework for learning anything faster.
Growth Tip: Spending Habits
Inspiration: Meaning of Life
⏱️ Reading time: ~3 mins
🎓 Learn
Today, I'm going to share this learning method that I learned from the superbrain course by Jim Kwik. This framework will help you:
Accelerate your learning process.
Make decision-making faster and better.
The learning method is called F.A.S.T., and it stands for:
As of 2021, Jim is a world-class brain coach who works with Hollywood actors, elite athletes, and companies like SpaceX. His teachings involve different methods, and FAST is one of the most popular.
"People don't learn faster because they feel like their cup is full" Jim said.
If you want to upgrade your knowledge quickly, remember to forget what you already knew (or thought you knew). The rest will unfold almost effortlessly.
There is no forget button in our body.
So when you start to learn something new, remind yourself that you don't know anything about this topic and approach the learning with an open mind.
Your brain doesn't learn through consumption. It learns through creation.
When learning something new, don't be passive. Approach learning with action and activeness.
Avoid boredom by being active in learning.
Take notes actively while you learn or read.
Walk while you listen to an audiobook, podcast, or online course.
Information + Emotion = long-term memory
Emotions are one of the most potent motivators for any action. Bring in feeling in the learning process. And you can learn anything faster, better and remember that for a long time. You won't remember what you ate last Sunday, but you will remember what you were doing when 9/11 happened.
Here are a few ideas to try :
Set an emotional goal for any new learning. Example: I want to read books to share sound wisdom and knowledge with my kids.
I will write one thing I'm grateful for daily for my partner/parents/kids and will gift that gratitude book to them on their birthday.
"When you teach something, you get to learn it twice."
The best way to learn is to teach. Once you learn something new:
Share that learning with your friend and family.
Write a blog or make a video sharing your learnings.
Practice and discuss ideas and methods learned with your friends and family.
Sharing all my learnings on my Learn + Grow blog is my way of strengthening my own learning.
Key takeaway: Approaching any new learning with an open mind, active energy, and emotions to make the learning more effective. Remember, a teacher learns the most.
🚀 Growth Tip
We all have different views and fear about spending money. This article helped me understand all the different perspectives on spending. It also explained the art and science behind some of my own spending behaviors.
I think you will find some great insights on spending from the author of The Psychology of Money — Morgan Housel.
The Art and Science of Spending Money
🤩 Inspiration
👋 Anil
Keep Learning + Growing 🪴
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