Best Life Advice From People I Admire 👍
Issue #17 : Short, simple, actionable, and no-BS life advice!
Learning from good and successful people’s life experiences is one of my biggest success hacks.
I read a lot of biographies. But I also love reading short life advice shared by a few people that I admire a lot.
There is so much wisdom in so few words in this advice.
If you are looking for short, simple, actionable, and no-BS life advice to inspire you to learn and grow, this list is my favorite!
Kevin Kelly's 103 short life advice is my top favorite. They are so obvious, yet we ignore them. The blog now shows only a few because he puts the rest and more in his new book. But I saved his full list of 103 advice in this PDF.
Dr. Corey Wilks is a licensed clinical psychologist, executive coach, writer, and entrepreneur. I did his Intentional Life Design course and got a lot of value from it. He published his 34 lessons on how to live an intentional life.
Robin Sharma is one of my favorite authors and is known for books like "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari" and "The 5 am Club". He shared these 60 bite-size tips for living a great life.
Ali Abdaal is a very popular YouTuber and influencer with millions of followers. Some of his videos and content on productivity and life hack have more than 10M views. He shared his 28 best life advice that's pure gold.
Naval Ravikant's advice on life and business has inspired me a lot. His book “The Almanack of Naval Ravikant” is in my top 10 favorite books. Sergey Faldin did an excellent job instilling his 10-best advice in his blog.
If you have a life advice list like this, share it with me in a comment or reply! Also, let me know which advice is your favorite.